E-Fast-Pay E-Check

Landline Credit Card Terminals


Land Line Credit Card Terminals allow merchants to process credit cards by plugging into a phone line or an internet connection. If you have a retail store where you can swipe a card this is the way to go. Models are available brand new or refurbished and we can arrange purchase or leasing.

Wireless Credit Card Terminals


Wireless Terminals: If you are out of the office and need to process transactions this is the way to go. Wireless Terminals do require a separate subscription but we have them available in all models. We can also provide wireless process to turn your iPhone or Blackberry into a wireless processing terminal.

Pin Pads


For debit card transactions this provides an additional level of security to process payments at the point of sale.

Check Readers


If you are interested in check scanning or Remote Check Options we can provide readers that allow you to scan.



If you are processing by telephone or internet we can provide a secure gateway that will allow you to process 24/7 from any computer.