Quite Simply Electronic Check Processing is a cost-effective way to collect from your customers. Credit Cards charge anywhere from 2%-4% for each transaction in addition to per transaction fees. Credit Card Companies also sometimes require equipment purchases or leases. Processing payments via electronic check is much more affordable with a one-time charge no matter the amount of the transaction. On larger item transactions the savings can be dramatic. Transactions are processed through our secured gateway and generated in real-time. Funds are made available on the fifth business day direct to your designated account.
According to NACHA-The Electronic Payments Association, nearly 14 billion ACH payments were made in 2005, a 16.2 percent increase over 2004. The nation's financial institutions originated 17.4 percent more ACH payments in 2005 than in 2004. The number of these payments was 12.98 billion, a jump of more than 1.9 billion over 2004, and valued at $27.9 trillion. The remainder were originated by the federal government - 976 million ACH payments in 2005, up 2.6 percent, and valued at $3.2 trillion. Annual ACH payment volume has doubled in the last five years, spurred by growth across all transaction categories and newer applications. In 2005, an estimated four billion electronic check transactions were processed, an increase of about 50 percent.